Appreciation – The Invisible Magic Wand!

Appreciation – The Invisible Magic Wand! An organization runs on the wheel of its employees’ skills. Work process does take a toll on the lives of employees, yet they work hard & exert the best effort possible to take the organization to the next level. Sometimes people lose the focus, the nature of job fails to keep enticing for a long time. Job life becomes all about coming on time, switching on the personal computer, completing assignments, attending meetings, sipping coffee, reaching home & nothing else. In the off-time people like to talk about this not so happening life progress. Frustration starts to grasp eventually. This sad thing can be changed completely & this down feeling can be replaced by one practice – ‘appreciating’. It literally works like a magic wand. Let’s explore the boosting impacted by appreciation. v Makes employees rooted One sudden call from the reporting boss & a sincere talk appreciating the work & attention given to ...